Getting a healthy start to the day shot of a happy senior couple enjoying a

The Delights Of In-Room Dining Service At New Salem, PA Personal Home Care

The concept of personal home care has evolved significantly over the years, transforming from a mere necessity to a holistic experience that caters to various aspects of comfort and wellbeing. At the heart of this evolution in New Salem, PA, lies an innovative approach to in-room dining service, redefining the culinary experience for those receiving…

Aged woman on seat of gym equipment doing arm exercise

How To Plan The Best Pre And Post-Surgery Care For Your Loved Ones

Focusing on physical and emotional well-being is essential when planning pre and post-surgery care for seniors. Before surgery, preparing your loved one involves more than just medical procedures; it’s about ensuring they are mentally ready and comfortable. This includes understanding the surgery, discussing fears or concerns, and arranging for any necessary home modifications. After surgery, attention…

Cervicalgia in an elderly person

Don’t Let Overthinking Leads You To Sedentary Lifestyle After 50

Turning 50 often brings a wave of contemplation and overthinking, especially about health and lifestyle choices. It’s a pivotal age where the risk of falling into a sedentary lifestyle increases significantly. This lifestyle, characterized by prolonged periods of inactivity, can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health. However, this doesn’t have to be…

Instructor demonstrating cpr on mannequin at first aid training course

How A Family Care Team With First Aid And CPR Knowledge Can Enhance Seniors’ Safety And Well-being

First aid and CPR are more than just emergency response techniques; they are crucial lifesaving skills everyone should possess, especially a family care team. Imagine a scenario where a loved one suddenly needs medical assistance. The initial minutes are critical; proper knowledge can mean the difference between life and death. At Seaton Hagerstown, we understand the…
